Unit 6 Drawing Conclusions, Making Recommendations and Disseminating Results


Watch: LDRS 674 - u6

Learning Outcomes

When you have completed this unit, you should be able to:

  • Develop consensus on final arguments and positioning of the proposed innovation in organizational context
  • Equitably distribute tasks among team members in order to use strengths to complete the final project
  • Develop a high quality report of the capstone project with clear analyses and results
  • Create a visually appealing and informative final video project on the job to be done and capstone results.

Activity Checklist

Here is a checklist of learning activities you will benefit from in completing this unit. You may find it useful for planning your work.

Learning Activities

The Learning Activities for this unit will focus on completing your final assignments. Each topic in this unit will serve as a guide to help you develop your Capstone Report and your Final Video Presentation.

6.1 Editing Components

Take some time to edit your capstone project components. The purpose of this time is to organize these components in an effort to derive a final capstone project.

6.2 Dividing Responsibilities

With the components of your capstone project organized, focus on dividing responsibilities among team members to develop your final capstone conclusions, and dissemination of results.

6.3 Feedback Methods

With the components of your project organized, and responsibilities divided amongst your team members, propose some fast feedback methods for ongoing iteration and development of innovation.

6.4 Developing Final Products

Create final high-quality products to convey innovative ideas to senior organizational leaders.


Capstone Report

You are responsible for completing and submitting your Capstone Report Project at the end of this unit.

Capstone Project Video Presentation

You are responsible for completing and submitting your Video Presentation Project at the end of this unit.

Please see the Assessment section in Moodle for full instructions, as well as the grading rubric.

Unit 6 Summary

In this first unit, you have had the opportunity to learn about…

Missing Summary

Checking Your Learning

Use the learning outcomes for this unit as a checklist of understanding before you move to the next unit. Can you:

  • Develop consensus on final arguments and positioning of the proposed innovation in organizational context

  • Equitably distribute tasks among team members in order to use strengths to complete the final project

  • Develop a high quality report of the capstone project with clear analyses and results

  • Create a visually appealing and informative final video project on the job to be done and capstone results.