
This is the course book for Anthropology 101 : Introduction to Cultural Anthropology. This book is divided into 10 units of study to help you engage with administrative concepts. The course resources and learning activities are designed not only to help prepare you for the course assessments, but also to give you opportinities to practice various administrative skills.

On the next page you will find a summary of the course syllabus, as well as how to navigate this book. Please also refer the schedule in Moodle, as well as the Asseessment section in Moodle for instructions on required readings and assignments.

I hope you enjoy the course.

Course Notes

How To Navigate This Book

Take a moment to experiment with the controls in the toolbar at the top of the page. You can search this book for a word or phrase (for example, to look up a definition). To move quickly to different portions of the book, click on the appropriate chapter or section in the table of contents on the left. The buttons at the top of the page allow you to show/hide the table of contents, search the book, change font settings, download a pdf or ebook copy of this book, or get hints on various sections of the book.

Top menu bar

Figure 11.1: Top menu bar

The faint left and right arrows at the sides of each page (or bottom of the page if it’s narrow enough) allow you to step to the next/previous section. Here’s what they look like:

Left and right navigation arrowsLeft and right navigation arrows

Figure 11.2: Left and right navigation arrows

Course Units

This course is organized into 10 units. Each unit of the course will provide you with the following information:

  • A general overview of the key concepts that will be addressed during the unit.
  • Specific learning outcomes and topics for the unit.
  • Learning activities to help you engage with the concepts. These often include key readings, videos, and reflective prompts.
  • The Assessment section provides details on assignments you will need to complete throughout the course to demonstrate your understanding of the course learning outcomes.

Course Activities

Below is some key information on features you will see throughout the course.

Learning Activity
This box will prompt you to engage in course concepts, often by viewing resources and reflecting on your experience and/or learning. Most learning activities are ungraded and are designed to help prepare you for the assessment in this course.
This box will signify an assignment or discussion post you will submit in Moodle. Note that these demonstrate your understanding of the course learning outcomes. Be sure to review the grading rubrics for each assignment.
Checking Your Learning
This box is for checking your understanding, to make sure you are ready for what follows.