Unit 11 Course Assignments

On this page you will find an outline of all required assignments for this course. Additionally, you will find important information about how you will be graded.

Take a moment to carefully read through the following:

Culture Trait PPT Presentation (15% of final grade)

In this assignment, students will explore a specific cultural characteristic or practice of a cultural group distinctly different than your own culture. Explain the cultural concept, and illustrate with a culture. Example: Navaho blankets are an artistic expression full of meaning (pattern, color, etc.)

Students will present their research material in PowerPoint presentation format. Please refer to the rubric found on the “Assignment - Culture Trait” tab in Unit 10 for more information about how you will be assessed for this assignment.

Due: Unit 10 Unit Tests (4 x 10% each of final grade)

Students will complete four tests throughout this course. These tests will be based on course notes and text readings. These will be based on Units 1-2 (Test #1), Units 3-5 (Test #2), Units 6-7 (Test #3), and Units 8-9 (Test #4).

Additional information, as well instructions for taking the test, can be found at the bottom of the page in each of the units during which you will be completing this tests.

Course Activities (35% of final grade - broken down below)

Throughout the course, students will be engaging in activities intended to help develop their appreciation for the scope of work a cultural anthropologist engages in. Instructions will be provided for each activity.

The activities (and corresponding weights) are outlined below:

  • Unit 2: Ethnography Challenge (4%)
  • Unit 4: Kinship and Descent Mapping (4%)
  • Unit 3-5: The UnThing Experiment Challenge (4%)
  • Unit 6: Discussion about whistling (4%)
  • Unit 7: Discussion about rock art (4%)
  • Unit 8: Description and comparison of the Maori and Aborigines (5%)
  • Unit 8 Rite of Passage Research (5%)
  • Unit 10: The UnEssay Project (5%)

For additional information, and a rubric that outlines how you will be graded for each of these activities, please refer to the “Assessment” tab in each of the units above.

Participation (10% of final grade)

Overall, this component requires active engagement with the text (readings), watching videos, actively participating in group discussion, and showing evidence of an inquiring mind (asking good questions). Engaging with every item on the course site is required, unless it is specified as being optional.

The following rubric will be used by the Facilitator to grade your participation in this course:

              Criteria | 4-5 marks | 2-3 marks | 0–1 marks |
: | :- | :- | :- |
               Quality | Sound evidence that student has done course readings and has a thorough knowledge of discussion topic | Evidence that most of course readings done and student has some knowledge of discussion topic | Minor evidence that course readings were done and student understands discussion topic |
        Communication Skills | Contributions are clear, concise and easy to understand | Contributions are usually, but not always clear, concise and easy to understand | Contributions are too short/long and/or unclear and hard to understand |
Critical Thinking and Self-Reflection | Exceptionally well- supported, thoughtful, insightful comments made on others’ and own postings | Some evidence of critical thought and self-reflection on others’ and own postings | Minor evidence of critical thought and reflection on others’ and own postings |
            Participation | Regularly participates in, and facilitates interaction among members of online community | Interacts now and then with other members of online community | Rarely interacts or responds to other members of online community |


Students are also expected to practice the following throughout the course:

  • Use course terminology. Reflect an anthropological focus. Use APA format.
  • Assignments should have a title, proper introduction and conclusion, etc. Good essays reflect good observation skills, creativity, accuracy, and as relevant to the assignment, personal experience.
  • Use 11-pt font, and single spacing except between paragraphs.
  • For PPT presentations, use the guidelines on the course site.
  • Submit assignments by uploading them to the Dropbox (no pdfs).